
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Let It Be

Sometimes, the inevitable comes knocking at our door when we least expect it. We are catapulted into the unknown before we have even a moment's notice to brace ourselves for the impending impact. Life happens, and there isn't always something that we can do about it.

Whether we choose to accept it or not, the path to happiness and success isn't always straight and narrow road. As people, we are guaranteed to experience failure, heartbreak, and uncertainty at some point in time. It's the way that we choose to deal with it that determines the strength of our true character.

As hard as we try to understand why some things happen or how they could possibly alter our lives for the better, we can't. We don't always have the answers and might not be able to find them, no matter how many years we spend studying for every possible class in our undergrad careers. Things might fall apart so that you can put yourself back together in the most important part of your life.

Life is a painful, mad, curious, beautiful thing to experience. Opportunities are everywhere -- it's just up to you to throw yourself out there, into the dark of the unknown and discover what lies ahead.