Friday, February 26, 2016

Artist of the Week: Yngve Holen

[Image courtesy of]

It's been awhile since I've been able to write an Artist of the Week post, but I promise that they're back to stay! To christen this lovely Friday afternoon and the beginning to more featured artists, here's a quick profile on German artist Yngve Holen.

As a Berlin-based artist, Holen works primarily with sculptures and collaborations of large scale trinkets. As a contributor to the genre of modern art, he puts his own twist on his creations, whatever they may be.

[Image courtesy of]

From his work, it is clear to see that Holen has an interest in aviation. Compilations of airplane models with holographic "sheets" skimming the top of them make up just a few of his pieces. However, he makes them his own by sometimes placing them on obscure objects, such as washing machines (as seen in the second image pictured below).

 [Image courtesy of]
[Image courtesy of]

To learn more about Holen and his exquisite designs, check out his profile at to view some of his exhibitions and further work that he has produced.  

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