A few summers ago, I took this picture in a tunnel that I was walking through on the canal in my home town. Thankfully, I had the brains to upload it to my computer so that I could save it in case my phone were to break. Five phones later, the remembrance of this image popped into my head for some strange reason today and I just couldn't stop thinking about it.
At the time that I initially saw this, I can't say that I really analyzed it too much. An angst-ridden sixteen-year old, I'm sure that I saw the spray-painted phrase with white, dripping letters as "so punk rock" and not much more. I kept in in some of my digital picture folders and moved on with my life.
Almost four years later, I can't attribute this graffiti to anyone and couldn't give you a proper guess as to who might have tagged it. However, I think that I have a firmer grasp now on what they meant by this. "Known as a popular loner . . ."
My greatest opinion on these five simple words is that the artist was feeling what many might also be familiar with: being surrounded by people, yet feeling the opposite.
Let me start off with a bit of a preface. I tend to refer to myself as an extroverted introvert. I talk non-stop and adore meeting new people as often as possible. I'm a rather social person when it comes down to it.
While this might be the case, having time to myself is a must. There are times when I turn down offers to spend time with people, just because I know that I need to be alone for a bit and collect my thoughts. It's not that I'm anti-social by any means, I just prefer to be by myself sometimes.
(I could easily go into my life story as it has been so far, but that's a story that I'll just have to save for another day.)
Now back to the picture. Even years later, I feel like I have a steadier understanding on the underlying meaning to such a simple phrase. Although someone might be considered a "socialite," a room full of people can still feel empty. The person who everybody thinks of as the life of the party might only be that to those who don't care to delve deeper into their true character.
Of course, there could also be a sadder and desperate meaning that the artist wanted to convey. Perhaps there was a feeling within them that felt the need for something more out of life. It could have very well been that he just wanted anyone to get to know his life, his story, his art.
I suppose that I'll have to settle with the fact that I may never know if there was a deeper meaning behind this, or if there was a specific point that the tagger was trying to make. So, for now, I'll end with one question: what would you leave behind as a simple statement to describe your life, and how many people would really understand?
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