Friday, October 30, 2015

The Perfect Morning Routine

Happy Friday! After browsing through Pinterest this morning over a cup of coffee, I came across something that I had to write about, called "The Perfect College Morning Routine." Of course, if you aren't in college, that's fine too.

Blogger Courtney from (awesome site that I wholeheartedly recommend, by the way), put together six steps for a wonderful morning routine that I really wanted to share with all of you. Even if you aren't a morning person, I definitely suggest incorporating some of the following methods into your own post-wake up regimen.

1. Silence 
Try start off by waking a lot earlier than you need to, in order for you to get a head start on your day and boosting your overall health. Spend about ten minutes on silence and meditation to get in tune with yourself. This is a simple yet effective relaxation technique as well.

2. Affirmations
 Positivity is key. Write down some statements and goals for a couple of minutes that you wants to be in the future (i.e. I am at peace with myself, I will not let stress take over, etc.) and read them over to yourself more than five times. By doing so, you're instilling these words into your brain to really make them a reality for yourself.

3. Visualization
Last night, I spend a few hours live-tweeting and reporting on a fascinating visual communications seminar, which is why I find this point so ironic.

Try taking a few minutes to meditate and visualize yourself being who you want to be in the future. I attended a meditation course about a month ago and I can attest to the fact that this really works. Not only does it wash a sense of peace over you, but it really boosts confidence as well. Posting images of your goals on social media (mainly Pinterest) is also a great way to visualize your plans.

4. Exercise
 Even if it's brief and in your room, working a few exercises into your schedule for ten to fifteen minutes is a great way to heighten energy levels and to help you get into a productive mindset. Yoga is a great way to be active after waking up.

5. Reading
Truth be told, I've always been a bit of a bookworm myself. For five or ten minutes, incorporate reading a favorite book of yours or some great articles pertaining to your goals.

6. Scribing
If you haven't caught on yet, I adore writing, and journaling is one of my favorite methods to unwind. Take five minutes out of your morning to collect your thoughts in a book, write some poetry, or whatever your heart desires. There are great writing prompt tools out there to help you along the way if you get stuck.

Personally, I can't wait to put these ideas into practice and make them a daily habit. Thanks, Courtney!!

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