Friday, October 30, 2015

Artist of the Week: Mars-1

Mars-1 is an artist that I recently came across online, and I'm glad that I did! His signature style is something that I think is rare, and that more people should appreciate.

Mario Martinez, or Mars-1, is a California based artist who has a distinct style that he carries out from piece to piece. His perfect use of color and depth is something that I personally envy. 

The above painting, "Transcendental Disaster," is remarkable in my opinion. The neon colors dance before the eyes like lights in the night. There are so many abstract and realistic images within it that it's absolutely mesmerizing.


You can find more of Mars-1's beautiful creations at, where there are also prints and sculptures for sale. The perfect blend of imagination and detail, I can't seem to get enough of Mars-1.  

The Perfect Morning Routine

Happy Friday! After browsing through Pinterest this morning over a cup of coffee, I came across something that I had to write about, called "The Perfect College Morning Routine." Of course, if you aren't in college, that's fine too.

Blogger Courtney from (awesome site that I wholeheartedly recommend, by the way), put together six steps for a wonderful morning routine that I really wanted to share with all of you. Even if you aren't a morning person, I definitely suggest incorporating some of the following methods into your own post-wake up regimen.

1. Silence 
Try start off by waking a lot earlier than you need to, in order for you to get a head start on your day and boosting your overall health. Spend about ten minutes on silence and meditation to get in tune with yourself. This is a simple yet effective relaxation technique as well.

2. Affirmations
 Positivity is key. Write down some statements and goals for a couple of minutes that you wants to be in the future (i.e. I am at peace with myself, I will not let stress take over, etc.) and read them over to yourself more than five times. By doing so, you're instilling these words into your brain to really make them a reality for yourself.

3. Visualization
Last night, I spend a few hours live-tweeting and reporting on a fascinating visual communications seminar, which is why I find this point so ironic.

Try taking a few minutes to meditate and visualize yourself being who you want to be in the future. I attended a meditation course about a month ago and I can attest to the fact that this really works. Not only does it wash a sense of peace over you, but it really boosts confidence as well. Posting images of your goals on social media (mainly Pinterest) is also a great way to visualize your plans.

4. Exercise
 Even if it's brief and in your room, working a few exercises into your schedule for ten to fifteen minutes is a great way to heighten energy levels and to help you get into a productive mindset. Yoga is a great way to be active after waking up.

5. Reading
Truth be told, I've always been a bit of a bookworm myself. For five or ten minutes, incorporate reading a favorite book of yours or some great articles pertaining to your goals.

6. Scribing
If you haven't caught on yet, I adore writing, and journaling is one of my favorite methods to unwind. Take five minutes out of your morning to collect your thoughts in a book, write some poetry, or whatever your heart desires. There are great writing prompt tools out there to help you along the way if you get stuck.

Personally, I can't wait to put these ideas into practice and make them a daily habit. Thanks, Courtney!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

5 Last Minute Halloween Costume Ideas

A day filled with trick-or-treating and parties to attend is a mere two days away: Halloween. It's one day where you can express yourself any way that you want to. Do you have your costume picked out for this year? If you haven't even put any though into it, no worries!

Because Halloween happens to fall on a weekend this year, there's a fair chance that you're going to need at least two or three costumes for the different parties that you might be going to. I've compiled a list of fifteen gender neutral and affordable (not to mention easy) costume ideas, just in case you haven't had time to think about it or you've completely forgot about one of the greatest holidays of the year somehow.

1.) "Biker"
Under the circumstances that I'm a broke college student and am trying to save as much money as possible (especially before Christmas), this is an easy one.

Guys: Throw on a leather jacket or denim vest and some ripped jeans. Pair it with some boots and a bandana to tie around your head. If you want, buy some fake tattoos or a tattoo sleeve to complete the look.

Girls: Same as the idea for guys, except you can choose to have a bit more fun with it. You can step up the shoe game a bit with some fashion combat boots or heeled boots. If you buy a red bandana to tie around your head, you can accent your ensemble with some classic red lipstick and/or nail polish.

2.) "Cowboy/Cowgirl"
If you're in college like myself, this is probably one of the easiest ideas that you can get away with. It's the same for both guys and girls: plaid shirt, jeans, boots with a Western look to them, and a cowboy hat. I quickly found out that, in the dorms, someone is bound to have a cowboy hat that they aren't using for some odd reason. 

3.) "Army Girl"
Sorry guys, this is really a look that girls pull off the best. Leather jacket, v-neck t-shirt, leggings or jeans, fashion combat boots, and a cheap camouflage hat is the best way to put this together. Feel free to add or take away anything that you want.

4.) "Tinder Match"
I've seen this on a few social media platforms this year, and it's incredibly corny but also the easiest in my opinion. Both guys and girls can take a white t-shirt and cut an "X" out of red paper, followed by a heart out of green paper. Tape the "X" to the left side of the shirt, and the heart on the right side. The rest of the outfit is up to you, because it really doesn't matter. The shirt is the most important part, because it is the costume. It's funny, it's simple, and it's basically free.

5.) "Facebook"
This is the epitome of laziness, but it's also clever. If you ever watched the 2010 Halloween special of "The Office," then you're probably familiar with Jim Halpert's idea of writing the word "book" across his face. No one in the episode understood that he was trying to literally be "Facebook," which made the episode even better. You really just need a marker and legible writing, and the rest is whatever.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10 of My Favorite Quotes

I'm a sucker for a good quote, especially those that I find inspiring and applicable to my life or current situations that I may be facing. Here's a little list of some of my favorite quotes that I want to share with you. I plan on making more lists of quotes for you to enjoy every now and then, but for now, enjoy these. Who knows, if you are unfamiliar with one or two, maybe they will become your new favorites!

1.) "Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."
-C.S. Lewis

2.) "One child, one teacher, one book, and one pen can change the world."
-Malala Yousafzai

3.) "I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not."
-Kurt Cobain 

4.) "We know what we are, but know not what we may be."
-William Shakespeare

5.) "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
-Oscar Wilde

6.) "Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results."

7.) "Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life."
-Mark Twain

8.) I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be."
-Douglas Adams

9.) "Everything you can imagine is real."
-Pablo Picasso

10.) How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
-Anne Frank

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Cherishing the Little Things

Tonight, I chatted with my sister for awhile on the phone. I had caught a case of the writer's block in the middle of our conversation and asked her what I should write about. As I expected, she didn't really help at all, but we were still able to laugh excessively and have a great talk as we normally do.

It really just hit me a few minutes ago that she gave me my story idea on accident. Remembering to cherish the little moments is one of the most important things in life, from simple phone conversations to receiving great news. The picture above really sums it up for me: "Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will realize they were the big things." I can't emphasize this enough.

Getting a good grade on a test, having a fun time with friends, or even just enjoying the scenery around you are all moments that are worth remembering and pausing for a second to take it all in. It's times like these that will leave you with the biggest smiles at some times.

So, in this shorter-than-usual post, I dare you to stop. Look at your surroundings, and think about all of the great things that you did or that happened to you today. Who did you talk with that made you happy, or what conversations made you smile? What did you see that caught your eye? What happened that was worth remembering? I can guarantee that everyone smiled at least once today or thought about a memory that they wish that they could go back to. Whatever it was, I challenge you to find it again and pursue it.

Seize the day.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Why I Love My Best Friend

My best friend has been by my side for about six years now, so I figured I'd do an appreciation post in honor of such a milestone. I wanted to put this post in a list format, but I quickly realized that the list could go on for pages and pages.

There's a saying, "A true friend is the greatest of all blessings."  No matter the challenges that I'm faced with or the treacherous paths I have to cross in life, I know that she's always going to be there cheering me on.

No matter what I've been going through, she's always been the person that I've been able to fall back on. She's my biggest cheerleader (especially when I'm skipping out at Sectionals). She gives me encouragement when I'm in my lowest of lows and slaps some sense into me when I need it, which I'm always thankful for.

You never truly appreciate an unbreakable friendship until you realize that you can't have the same range of conversations with anyone else, ranging from absolutely ridiculous to the most uplifting. We tell each other absolutely everything, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

We defeated the dreaded middle school years together before we went on to continue our high school experience side-by-side. Now, we're both sophomores in college and we're miles apart. It's so different and I wish we were conquering it together, but we're both pursuing great feats for our futures.

If there's anyone who can get through anything, I know that it's Shelby. She's been faced with a lot (including countless sports injuries), but you'd never know it by the smile on her face. It takes a special person to have such courage, and she has it. I'm not sure I know many people who have a bigger heart, either.

If I could look back and re-tell all of the stories and adventures that we've endured together, I would probably be talking for weeks. We've been through some of the craziest situations together and I really don't think that I've laughed with anyone harder than I have with her. From odd strangers to Pizza Hut floors, we've actually been through everything. I love you, and thank you for being my best friend, Shelby Claire Grove (and I hope your stubbed toe feels better)!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Artist of the Week: Audrey Kawasaki

Over the past few days, I've decided to dedicate one post each Friday to spotlight some of my favorite artists. Current or not, I'll be sharing some information and artwork on ones that I personally admire.
The first artist that I wanted to highlight is Audrey Kawasaki. Ever since my freshman year of high school, I have always admired her intricate work and how she creates her pieces. Honestly, she's probably become one of my biggest inspirations to pursue my interest in the visual arts. Her paintings intrigue me with the flowing movement, and have really pushed me into becoming a real artist myself.

A Los Angeles native, Kawasaki works slabs of wood and uses oil paints to bring her pieces to life. She is most known for her portrayals of young Geisha surrounded by beautiful wisps of floral designs. 
I have always been drawn to Kawasaki's piece "Dishonest Heart" (pictured below) as one of my favorites. The portrayal of a young girl whose heart is in full visibility has a sense of mystery surrounding it. This is one of Kawasaki's more known works, and many people decide to get it tattooed onto themselves out of appreciation and admiration of the painting.
While I am certainly interested in all kinds of art, I have a soft spot for Kawasaki's. If you are a fan of her work as well, you can find some of her paintings or doodles and at There is true movement within each stroke of her paintbrush that she touches to every piece of wood.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

5 Things You Should Stop Worrying About Right Now

Life gets hectic. There's no way around responsibilities, no matter what that word might mean to you. Meetings, classes, deadlines, relationships, obligations, events, work - everything adds up. It's difficult to keep from constantly thinking about such matters, but here's a list of just a few things that aren't worth worrying about. Life is too short to be concerned with little issues.

1.) How you look for the day.
The truth of the matter is that nobody actually cares what you look like or what you're wearing. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in and what you think looks good. Wear as little or as much makeup as your heart desires. Don't feel like doing your hair? Awesome. Feel like making it look extra special? Sounds wonderful. Try out new patterns and prints to spice things up.

2.) Comparing yourself to others.
Everyone is different, and that's a fact of life. No two people are the same, which means that not everyone is going to look the same or have the same skill sets as each other. Find your passion and hold onto it. Grow through it, and show the world what you have to offer.

3.) Petty arguments.
You're not always going to get along with everybody, especially if you're particularly close with them. Instead of letting such disagreements stress you out, keep in mind that things will more than likely be cleared up soon. Chances are, you'll look back on this and laugh.

4.) Making a mistake.
Sometimes, we screw up without even realizing it. Making mistakes is human nature, and they are there to help us learn from them. Don't be so hard on yourself, because there are always plenty of opportunities to try again.

5.) Over thinking.
I am perhaps the biggest culprit when it comes to over thinking about things. I think of situations in my head and play out every possible scenario that could come from it. I manage to think of every thing I might have done wrong to explain why I haven't gotten a call from someone yet, what the future holds, etc. Lately, I've been finding that this is one of the biggest wastes of time. Life is meant to enjoy the little moments, and not to dwell on the non-existent ones. One step at a time is all we can take.

Sidenote to my rambling: If anybody knows where I could get the shirt in the picture included please let me know because why wouldn't I want it?!?

Monday, October 19, 2015

How to Stay Focused On Right Now

Nostalgia seems to be my best friend. My memories get triggered by the simplest of things, including songs, quotes and pictures. I had an incredibly blessed childhood and am thankful for everyone and everything that I have in my life. Honestly, it's both a blessing and a curse.

I think back on some of my best memories, but some bad ones creep in every once in awhile, too. I understand that I can't really do anything about things that have happened, but that doesn't mean that I don't dwell on them every now and then.

As a student and a girl inching toward her twenties, the future is definitely a place that I fast forward to. I think about every possible scenario that could happen and the outcomes, and it can get me pretty stressed out. 

When I was in high school, my English teacher introduced the C.S. Lewis book "The Screwtape Letters" to my class. While discussing the book, she mentioned how it can be easy to find ourselves trapped in our past and worried about the future.

She also made a very strong point in saying that staying focused on the present is the important thing to do. I remember thinking about how difficult it was to imagine myself staying only in the present and not in my past or future.

I've been thinking about this a lot for some reason lately, and have found that maybe  took that out of context a bit. I realize now that, while we're meant to learn from the past, we aren't supposed to live in it. The same goes for the future; we can aspire to achieve goals and work towards fulfilling our dreams, but fearing it won't do us any good.

I guess that what I'm trying to say is, be happy with right now. Look around you, and think about everything that you've accomplished to get where you are right now. You've made it this far, congratulations! Now, focus on setting your future up, but be happy with now. Don't settle, and do the best you can in everything you do. Everything can and will work out in the end.

Why Wishful Thinking is Important

My personality can be best described as a dreamer. I constantly think of what I want for the future, who I want to become, and what I want to do with my life. Today's world has a tendency to say that we need to be more realistic, but I disagree.

Wishful thinking allows us to open the door of creativity in our minds. Imagination is key to success, especially when we have big plans for the future. Whether you hope to land a dream job or live in a big house with a wonderful family, hard work tends to pay off in the end. There's something magical about holding on to hope.

Ultimately, we have dreams because we want to pursue them and make them a reality. With enough perseverance and determination, we can. Regardless of the "social norm" or "realistic expectations," aiming to break this barrier is one step closer to reaching our goals.

We hope. We dream. We have faith that, someday and somehow, our wildest dreams will come true - and there's nothing wrong with that in the slightest.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Dear High School Girls

Over the weekend, circumstances brought me back to a high school. As a sophomore in college, it's been a while since I've been sitting on a set of gym bleachers, surrounded by high school students anxious to celebrate homecoming. One thing that really stuck out to me was the cliques of high school girls around me, and how I was in their place only a few years ago. It really got me thinking about how I wish someone had given me some advice while I was still there, so that's what I'm going to do now for you girls.

Stop getting yourself involved in "drama." It's petty, it isn't worth it, and it honestly amounts to nothing in the end.  When you graduate, are you even going to remember the reason why you stopped talking to your best friend for a week? Sure, you'll probably learn to laugh about it down the road, but there's no use in getting yourself worked up about something stupid.

Which brings me to my second point: boys. You don't have to try so hard to "impress" a guy that you like, and if you do, he's not someone that you want to be with. If you do have a boyfriend, make sure that you don't devote 100% of your time to him and only him. You're going to find that if you do that, you're going to lose valuable friendships along the way. You'll go through your fair share of heartbreak, but what you don't realize now is that you have a whole lifetime ahead of you to worry about relationships and finding someone that you want to be with. Chances are, you'll find him in the most unsuspecting place. For now, worry about finding yourself.

High school is one of the biggest opportunities to find out who you really are. If you want to join a club or take up a hobby that other people think is lame, do it anyways! The only thing that matters is if you are happy, not about "following the crowd." Be your own person and make your own happiness.

These four years are such a small portion of your life compared to what is to come. If you're going to college, you're going to discover that there's a whole world out there that you have yet to discover. Everything will work itself out, even if it doesn't seem like it. I promise that you will find happiness in the oddest of places. Right now, focus on your friendships and doing well in your classes. Forget the negative and do what you want to do, because in the end, it makes all the difference.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

11 Ways to Stay Calm During Midterms

Feeling stressed before taking your midterms? Most students are. Whether you have one test or five, here’s a list of 11 ways to keep your cool during this time of year.

1.)  Remember that break is just around the corner.
Incentives are a great thing to help you stay focused during a week of tests. If you’re going home for break and you’re excited, that’s definitely something to look forward to. If you aren’t, treat yourself to some online shopping or a much deserved iced coffee.

2.)  Keep in mind that one test or class won’t matter years from now.
Tests do not determine the course of your life. One bad grade will not decide where you end up working or how well you do in the rest of your academic experience. Although you should definitely study and aim for a high grade, don’t get too discouraged by your score if it’s not what you hope for.

3.)  Stay focused.
Your friends’ Snapchat stories can wait. The more important thing to pay attention to is studying and making sure that you know what to expect on your exams. Put your cell phone on silent and turn on some music that won’t distract you.

4.)  Don’t overthink things.
Personally, I know that I have a major tendency to overthink everything when it comes to tests and what might be on them. Instead of trying to retain every last bit of information from your readings and/or notes, try to understand the key points and phrases and what they relate to. That way, when test day rolls around, you’ll be able to see a word or phrase and know what it’s about.

5.)  Use your time wisely.
Cramming the night before a big test is never a good idea. Instead, try spanning out your time and scheduling when you want to study for different classes.

6.)  Try out different study methods.
Flashcards, slideshows, and highlighting textbooks or notes are just a few ways to keep your mind on track with what you need to know. Try a few methods out and see which ones work the best for you.

7.)  Study in different places where you know you’ll stay focused.
Personally, I know that I’ll get distracted in my room. By going to the library or the café on campus, there’s a much better chance that I’ll get things done with limited distractions.

8.)  If you don’t know the answer, take a guess.
Leaving an answer blank on your test isn’t going to get you any points at all. With a guess, you at least have a chance of earning full or partial credit.

9.)  Get plenty of sleep.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is getting enough sleep ahead of time. Taking a test too tired can result in a bad grade. Plus, there’s the added fear of sleeping through every alarm that you set for yourself.

10.) Eat something before the test.
By eating at least a granola bar or an apple before your exam, you’re more likely to focus. Besides, nobody likes to be that kid who’s stomach can’t stop growling in the silence.

11.) Try your best.
No matter what the grade comes out to be, you’ll still know that you tried your hardest. At the end of the day, that’s what counts. Like I said in #2: one bad test grade isn’t going to determine the rest of your life, and it really won’t matter down the road.

Good luck!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

8 Ways to Stay Positive Through Distance

Distance sucks. There’s no way around it at all. Right now, I’m in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend who is leaving for basic training in five days and I won’t be able to be with him or really talk to him all that much until January. Having not seen each other since August, we make time amidst our busy schedules to Face Time and talk on the phone while we still can. If you’re in a similar situation, here’s a list of eight ways to stay positive (from personal experience).

1.)  Look through old pictures.
Looking back on some of my favorite memories is something that lets me know that, even though we’re apart right now, there’s plenty of opportunities to make more in the future.

2.)  Keep yourself busy.
One thing that really helps me keep my mind from dwelling on negative thoughts is making sure that I have a lot on my plate, schedule-wise. I’m not saying get involved in so many things that you can't breathe, but do enough to keep yourself occupied. Having fun and doing what you love is important!  

3.)  When you are together, make every second count.
Cell phones and social media have a tendency to take over our attention spans, whether we realize it or not. When you actually are with each other, set the cell phones aside and put them on silent - the cell phones will be there everyday, but your significant other won’t be.

4.)  Motivate each other.
Being so far apart means being extra supportive for each other. You both have aspirations and dreams. Cheer them on, no matter what goals they have in mind. While you might not be there physically, let each other know that you’re always by their side.

5.)  Stay updated on each other’s lives.
If you haven’t always been a long distance couple, you might have been with them everyday once upon a time. If you can’t do that right now, ask each other how your days have been. Including funny details can make it seem like you’re not so far apart.

6.)  Remember to stay focused on yourself.
Obviously, you’re going to be missing your significant other a lot. Regardless, one of the most important things to keep in mind is to stay focused on yourself and what makes you happy. You know yourself better than anyone else, so make sure that you are okay before worrying or stressing out too much.

7.)  Surround yourself with people who love and care about you.
It’s not always going to be easy. You aren’t going to be cheery 100% of the time. “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but it also leaves you with a temporary feeling of emptiness. Hang out with your friends and family as much as possible. Laugh, have fun, and look at the bright side of life instead of what you can’t change.

8.)  Count the days.
Remember, you aren’t going to be apart from each other forever. Maybe not today, and maybe not tomorrow - but sometime in the future, you'll be together. Look forward to the day that you’re reunited with your loved one, and think of the sparkle that you’ll get in your eyes when you’re with each other once again.