Iggy Pop: iconic, influential, outrageous, and unpredictable. Even if you cannot put a face to the name, there is a good chance that you've heard it at some point.
I might be biased based on my adoration for punk rock, but that does not
change the fact that Iggy Pop has created important sets of footprints for
the youth of today to follow in. Known to many as "the godfather of punk rock," he has set an example for numerous alternative musicians, including Nirvana's front man the late Kurt Cobain.
As one of the greatest innovators of punk rock and front man for The Stooges, Pop has been known for a number of things as a musician. From rolling in piles of glass on stage to singing duets with Kesha, he's a man who can say that he has left a wild legacy throughout his life.
It seems like there is a new celebrity each day who decides to pull some type of dramatic stunt to get a rise out of the media as an attempt to save their careers from drowning in the infamous abyss of has-beens.
Iggy Pop, however, has the mindset of someone who could care less of what anyone says or thinks. Paying no mind to opinions, he has paved the way for the aspect of doing what makes you happy at any cost.
I tend to touch upon the topic of taking chances in my posts, and I feel that Pop is the best person to use in order to reiterate myself. Ever since he stepped foot onto the music scene in the early 1970s, he has been a part of shaping people in every generation, in both his music and his actions.
Spontaneity, as Pop has proved time and time again, often leads to
success. No matter how hard you try, life does not follow any particular agenda. It just happens, and it is as simple as that.
In one of Pop's most popular (and one of my absolute favorite) songs "The Passenger," he sings about relinquishing his control as a driver and taking a step back for a change. In essence, rather than trying to direct his own life, he lets his life guide him for a change. After doing so, he is finally able to realize the beauty instilled in everyday life.
In today's world, it seems that criticism can be almost inescapable. Situationally depending, when all eyes are on you, nerves might begin to crash in fear of messing up. Living for others begins to seem all too familiar and it can be an exhausting cycle to get wrapped up in.
This is where I think Pop comes into play. Even though he might have been a great influence for punk rock in past decades, he is an even better example for the youth of today. Turning dreams into realities and living for himself made him into an iconic character. If we cannot learn to accept our mistakes and live for ourselves, then what are we doing?
As Iggy Pop himself once said, "The embarrassment quotient has been going down for a long time, and the fond amusement has been rising."